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Tag Archives: software
False detection of "true" species under the multi-species coalescent model
The multi-species coalescent model (MSCM) is the biggest name in the game (if the game is genetic species delimitation). But a new paper from Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences asks: is the MSCM really doing what we think it’s doing? Some … Continue reading
Posted in software, speciation
Tagged BPP, modeling, multi-species coalescent, software, speciation, species delimitation
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Battle of the Text Editors
Whether you’re a coding master or a total technophobe, a good text editor is a must-have for the molecular ecology toolkit. Text editors are great for managing code, formatting input files, or jotting notes. But with so many different text … Continue reading
Picking the ripest model with PHRAPL
To study patterns of genetic variation is to consider scale. The choices an investigator makes when designing a study can produce such a beautiful breadth of evolutionary patterns: from populations to species, from local to continental, from ancient to contemporary. The fields that … Continue reading
Isolation by environment explains why the grass isn't always greener
Ever since Sewall Wright introduced isolation by distance in 1943, the interplay between genetic differentiation and geographic distance has been a foundational, sometimes frustrating, aspect of population genetics studies. But distance isn’t just distance. The walk to my car isn’t any longer when … Continue reading