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Tag Archives: rss
What internet are you reading these days?
The Molecular Ecologist receives a small commission for purchases made on via links from this post. After my post earlier this week about how I’m organizing my online reading, it’s occurred to me that it might be useful to go into further … Continue reading
How are you reading the Internet these days?
In the wake of Twitter’s ongoing uh reinvention, and my departure from the site, it’s really become apparent how much I was leaning on Science Twitter as a front page of the Internet — the place I went to find out … Continue reading
Surfing the Wave
As Dilara pointed out in her recent post, keeping track of all the new papers, programs, and techniques is an enormous challenge for the busy molecular ecologist. These days it seems that one should be following publications in Molecular Ecology, Molecular Ecology Resources (of course!), TrEE, Science, Nature, Ecology, PNAS, BMC Evolutionary Biology, and PLoS biology/genetics*. Of course, this doesn’t include those journals specific to your particular sub-discipline.
– Finding New Papers –
The simplist way to keep track of new papers is with Google Reader. Google Reader, if you’re unaware, is google’s online Really Simple Syndication (RSS) reader. Basically, it lets you follow RSS feeds from searches on Pubmed, journals themselves, or blogs. In then colates on all the feed entries onto a single webpage. Essentially, you a list of journals and sublists with the most recent publications, abstracts, and links to the full articles. It definitely beats getting monthly table of contents emails. Continue reading