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Tag Archives: pathogens
Genetic distance predicts the spread of deadly fungal infections in bats
You’ve probably heard about White-Nose Syndrome (WNS), the particularly nasty fungal pathogen that has decimated North American bat populations over the last decade. Not only has WNS been extremely deadly, but the speed at which it’s spread has been alarming. Really alarming: Understanding … Continue reading
Posted in Molecular Ecology, the journal, phylogeography, population genetics
Tagged pathogens, RADseq
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Understanding amphibian disease inside out
In the spring of 2010, I was doing amphibian surveys among a few wetlands in Eastern Kentucky that were known for their excellent diversity. As I sauntered up to a familiar study site, I was greeted with an amphibian massacre. Hundreds of … Continue reading
The diversity hiding in lizard blood
Pathogens have got this reproduction thing figured out. Clone yourself and grow populations quickly? Sure. Occasionally reproduce sexually? Absolutely. The have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too reproductive modes among biological lineages that are capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction throw a mighty wrench … Continue reading
Posted in evolution, speciation, species delimitation
Tagged BPP, cryptic diversity, pathogens, species concepts
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