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Tag Archives: missing data
How do Missing Data Impact Phylogenetic Inference with UCEs?
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has put gobs of sequence data in the hands of molecular biologists, and that data is measurably advancing our prospects for a fully resolved Tree of Life. Nearly simultaneously, however, we have realized that every NGS dataset … Continue reading →
Posted in next generation sequencing, phylogenetics
Tagged missing data, ultraconserved elements
RADseq and missing data: some considerations
Unlike Sanger sequencing, where loci are directly targeted for each individual and sequencing errors are relatively rare, massively multilocus datasets from next generation sequencing platforms are characterized by large amounts of missing data. This is particularly true for restriction digest … Continue reading →
Posted in bioinformatics, genomics, methods, Molecular Ecology, the journal, next generation sequencing, phylogenetics, population genetics, theory
Tagged ddRADseq, missing data, null alleles, RADseq