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Tag Archives: microsatellite
The Tortoise Time Warp
Recent advances in genetic data analysis continue to provide the ability to reveal some amazingly detailed (and previously unattainable) information about species’ evolutionary history. In this recent study from Molecular Ecology, Dr. Ryan Garrick and colleagues use a variety of … Continue reading
Posted in Molecular Ecology, the journal, phylogenetics, speciation
Tagged ABC, microsatellite, radiation
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A tale of two Dryad submissions
As it happens, the last two scientific papers I’ve had accepted for publication are also the first two papers for which my first-authorial duties included some substantial journal-mandated archiving of supporting data (beyond uploading a handful of DNA sequences to … Continue reading
Posted in data archiving, peer review
Tagged Dryad, genomics, Joshua tree, Medicago HapMap Project, microsatellite, phylogenetics
Q&A: Stacey Dunn chases pronghorn fawns up Bateman's slope
Stacey Dunn is, objectively, pretty amazing. She started grad school at the Univeristy of Idaho a year before I did, studying sexual selection in pronghorn antelope on the National Bison Range in Montana. In between catching baby pronghorn (so as … Continue reading
Posted in interview, pedigree
Tagged Bateman slope, microsatellite, paternity analysis, pronghorn, sexual selection, Stacey Dunn
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The ecological fallout: how radioactivity affects wildlife
The current news about radioactivity being released from a nuclear power plant in Japan is sad and worrisome. We are first concerned about the health and safety of individuals who have volunteered to stay at the power plant; they are … Continue reading
Posted in population genetics
Tagged Chernobyl, ecology, Japan, microsatellite, radiation, STR