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Tag Archives: human evolution
Catching evolution in the act with the Singleton Density Score
A recent study led by Jonathan K. Pritchard at Stanford University brought a media storm with catchy headlines in both of the flagship scientific outlets Nature and Science News. Aside from highlighting the question of preprints without peer review being … Continue reading
Posted in methods, mutation, population genetics, selection
Tagged human evolution, methods, SDS, selection
1 Comment
Single dispersal of modern humans to Eurasia
In a typical ancient DNA study where the number of authors exceeds the number of specimens (actually, equals this time), Cosimo Posth and colleagues sequenced 35 pre-Neolithic modern humans from Europe. By sequencing 35 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genomes, Posth et … Continue reading
Posted in evolution, genomics, natural history, Paleogenomics, population genetics
Tagged ancient DNA, human evolution, mitochondrial DNA, paleogenomics