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Tag Archives: funding
What should conservation genomics researchers do about The Gap?
People may forget what you exactly said on your paper, but they won’t forget how your paper makes them feel. I don’t know whose adage that is I was modifying exactly, that perfectly sums my experience with a paper by … Continue reading
Posted in career, community, conservation
Tagged conservation genetics, funding, genomics, interdisciplinary
La vie en rouge … l'algue rouge
Best laid plans of a #NewPI … what happens to them? Well, they often get triaged for more urgent things that were triaged earlier for more urgent things that were also triaged even earlier for more urgent things … and … Continue reading
Tuesday action item: Help thaw the EPA freeze
While the current administration is in office we’re posting small, concrete things you can do to help make things better, every Friday. (And, when it’s urgent, on other days too.) Got a suggestion for an Action Item? E-mail us! This … Continue reading
Raising the NIH pay-line to 20%
I bet that title got your attention. In the good ol’ days our funding record made the United States look like the land of milk and honey. As Bruce Alberts’ and colleague wrote in PNAS earlier this year: “The United … Continue reading
Posted in career, funding, NIH, politics, United States
Tagged funding, postdocs, too many cooks, young investigators