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Tag Archives: data visualization
Simple tools for mastering color in scientific figures
Call me a procrastinator but I strongly believe that spending time to select a good color scheme can work miracles with a plot, paper, or presentation. In science, it’s generally not expected that you invest time into a thought process … Continue reading
Posted in howto, methods, Science Communication, science publishing
Tagged colors, data visualization, design, Figures, graphics, how to, palettes, presentation, R, schemes, tools
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On (mis)interpreting STRUCTURE/ADMIXTURE results
STRUCTURE, ADMIXTURE and other similar software are among the most cited programs in modern population genomics. They are algorithms that estimate allele frequencies and admixture proportions under the premise that sampled genotypes are derived from one of “K” ancestral populations, … Continue reading
Geographical Heat Maps in R
I go crazy for fancy data visualizations in R, and a figure in a recent publication has had me wondering if there is an easy way to incorporate density distributions (or as in their case, a distribution of f4 statistics, … Continue reading
2D Posterior Density Plots in R
I have been grappling with visualizing two dimensional histograms of posterior density distributions of parameters, as estimated by one of your favorite programs – IMa2, MIGRATE-n, MSVAR, etc. All these programs print out distributions of estimated parameters, and here’s a … Continue reading
Posted in bioinformatics, howto, population genetics, R, software
Tagged data visualization, genomics, population genetics, R
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PCA of multilocus genotypes in R
An earlier post from Mark Christie showed up on my feed on calculating allele frequencies from genotypic data in R, and I wanted to put together a quick tutorial on making PCA (Principal Components Analysis) plots using genotypes. I used … Continue reading
Posted in bioinformatics, genomics, howto, population genetics, R, software
Tagged data visualization, Homo sapiens, R
IBE/IBD Contour plots in R
Rob’s post from yesterday motivated me to find an alternate way of visualizing correlations between matrices of geographical or ecological data, and genetic data. I have seen plenty of Mantel, or partial Mantel tests of correlation, as well as plots … Continue reading
Posted in bioinformatics, howto, population genetics, R, software
Tagged data visualization, landscape genetics, methods, population genetics
Procrustes Analyses in R
Procrustes transformations (i.e. a form of multidimensional scaling that allows the comparison of two data sets) have been used extensively in recent literature to assess the similarity of geographical and genetic distributions of species, following the lead of Wang et … Continue reading
Posted in genomics, howto, population genetics, R, software
Tagged data visualization, genomics, population genetics, population structure
Visualizing Linkage Disequilibrium in R
Patterns of Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) across a genome has multiple implications for a population’s ancestral demography. For instance, population bottlenecks predictably result in increased LD, LD between SNP’s in loci under natural selection affect each others rates of adaptive evolution, selfing/inbreeding populations … Continue reading
Posted in bioinformatics, howto, population genetics, R
Tagged data visualization, genomics, population genetics
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F-statistics Manhattan Plots in R
Characterizing differentiation across individual genomes sampled from different populations can be very informative of the demographic processes that resulted in the differentiation in the first place. Manhattan plots have grown to be very popular representations of genome-wide differentiation statistics in … Continue reading
Posted in bioinformatics, genomics, howto, population genetics, R, software
Tagged data visualization, genomics, Homo sapiens