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Tag Archives: Algae
Fieldwork in the time of COVID
Life as we knew it came to a screeching halt back in March. Almost a year ago, how is that possible??? Yet, at the same time it feels like several lifetimes have passed … At a recent editorial meeting, we … Continue reading
Posted in blogging, career, chat, ecology, evolution, fieldwork, haploid-diploid, just for fun, mating system, natural history, population genetics, postdoc, Science Communication
Tagged Algae, anemeones, COVID, fieldwork, mating system, natural history, population genetics, scicomm, Science Communication, Virginia
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The Molecular Ecologist Podcast: #StudentSciComm, diversity within an algae bloom, the origins of a vital mutualism, and population genetics in continuous space
A new episode of The Molecular Ecologist Podcast is now out on The Molecular Ecologist Podcast made it to a second episode! Thanks for listening to our first one, and for all the positive comments. In addition to our “home” … Continue reading
Conference catch-up: Seventh European Phycological Congress Zagreb, Croatia – algae and abominable life cycles!
The first European Phycological Congress was held in Cologne, Germany in 1996. In the last 20-odd years, the meeting has been held every four years since then in Italy, Northern Ireland, Spain, Greece, and then in London in 2015 (see … Continue reading
Posted in blogging, career, community, conferences, ecology, evolution, just for fun, Science Communication
Tagged Algae, conference, EPC, Science Communication
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La vie en rouge … l'algue rouge
Best laid plans of a #NewPI … what happens to them? Well, they often get triaged for more urgent things that were triaged earlier for more urgent things that were also triaged even earlier for more urgent things … and … Continue reading
RNA data ruins a tempting just-so story of mutualism between algae and salamanders
Most relationships between animals and microbes interface in one of two locations: on the outside of animal cells (mostly to the benefit of both parties, think gut microbiota) or on the inside of animal cells (mostly to the benefit of … Continue reading
Algae bring life to the world – marine forests and domestication
The final two days of the European Phycological Congress included talks focused on the fate of marine forests in light of global climate change as well as other anthropogenic stressors, such as domestication.
Algae bring life to the world – species, microbiomes and biodiversity
The first European Phycological Congress was held in Cologne, Germany in 1996. In the last 20-odd years, the meeting has been held every four years from Italy, to Northern Ireland, to Spain and Greece. This year the meeting was held … Continue reading