Shutting down our science in solidarity with the #Strike4BlackLives

Via ShutDownSTEM

We’re joining today’s Strike for Black Lives as part of ShutDownSTEM — taking the day away from our scientific work to study, plan, and act against racism and police violence in the places we live and research. It’s a good day to join a protest in your city — look for your local Black Lives Matter group on social media, and make a plan — or to take time for reading and research on topics that are all too easy to put off when you’re chasing the next deadline. ShutDownSTEM provides a deep list of resources for people at all levels of engagement and familiarity with anti-racist work; here’s a few we at TME can personally recommend:

  • The National Museum of African American History and Culture offers a detailed introduction to anti-racism, with links to lots of supporting material;
  • Here’s a Twitter thread of articles from Science (available without paywall) addressing diversity and equity issues, and possible solutions;
  • Angela Saini’s book Superior is an up-to-date, thorough, and highly readable history of the deep entanglement of race science with evolution and genetics;
  • Britt Rusert’s Fugitive Science is a more academic, but absolutely fascinating, history of African Americans’ engagement with science during the nineteenth century, when the very concepts of “science” and “scientists” were still emerging

If you’re a PI or a leader in a workplace or campus group, consider selecting some readings to support an ongoing book or journal club. Whatever you do with the day, try to make it something that you can carry on, and build on, when you return to your lab, field site, or classroom.

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Black lives matter — and what that means in ecology and evolutionary biology

We at the Molecular Ecologist affirm that Black lives matter. We join with, and ask our readers to join with, calls for an end to police violence and for justice on behalf of its victims, including George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, David McAtee, and too many others. We also want to acknowledge that the injustices at the focus of these ongoing protests have deep historical roots, and can only be addressed with transformative work throughout society — particularly including our own fields of research.

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The miraculous biodiversity bubbling in your sourdough starter

I made it through four weeks of Los Angeles’ COVID-19 shelter in place order before I climbed aboard the isolation sourdough bandwagon. It took more effort than expected just to stay on.

I followed a protocol provided on the King Arthur Flour website to ferment my own starter from flour mixed with water. Twice a day, from March into April, I transferred a bit of starter to a fresh jar, and added fresh flour and water, with no apparent progress. I moved the starter around my little kitchen, searching for a sufficiently warm nook. I restarted the whole process from scratch. I ran through two five-pound bags of all-purpose flour I scrounged at a neighborhood grocery store (everyone else in Los Angeles had taken up baking, too), and when, visiting Costco on a friend’s membership, I lucked into a 25-pound sack, I didn’t pause to wonder where I’d find space for it in the pantry.

And then, finally, one afternoon, I checked the jar in the oven (heat off, light on, a nice steady 70°F) and saw that the starter had surged above the rubber band I put around the jar to mark its beginning volume. I baked bread the next day.

I am no manner of microbiologist, but I knew in a general way that sourdough starter is a microbial culture, and the rising is, of course, due to the metabolism of those microbes — carbohydrates in, carbon dioxide out. I also knew enough to recognize the process of establishing a starter as something like a serial passage protocol: sample the microbes in a batch of flour, give them periodic infusions of fresh growth medium, and let them duke it out for supremacy until the population growth rate was enough to leaven a batch of bread. What I am, though, is a molecular ecologist — and so I naturally started wondering what was known about the population and community genetics bubbling in that blue glass jar.

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It’s the city life for me… or maybe not.

Michael Fitch wrote this post as part of Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Evolution course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He completed a B.S. in Biology from the UAB and is currently considering entering the Master’s program.  Current interests… all over the place.

As urban sprawl expands and consumes the last wild places, do we pause to think about the consequences? 

Take apex predators, as an example. How does urbanization affect animals that likely range over large areas?

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Posted in bioinformatics, blogging, community ecology, comparative phylogeography, conservation, ecology, evolution, genomics, mammals, population genetics, Science Communication | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Kelp connections

Aisha O’ Connor wrote this post as part of Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Science Communication course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Currently a MS student in the Krueger-Hadfield lab, she is interested in algae and conservation. Aisha tweets @Aisha_MOC.

We can all think of barriers to dispersal, such as mountains, rivers, or even urban sprawl. Other barriers may be less visible, but can be just as important for gene flow. 

For example, what about currents? In the ocean, they can form strong barriers!

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Posted in bioinformatics, blogging, conservation, demography, ecology, evolution, haploid-diploid, Science Communication | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The Molecular Ecologist Podcast: Color me viral edition

A screenshot from a Google-powered tool that can generate color palettes from images of artworks.

A new episode of The Molecular Ecologist Podcast is now out on In this episode,

You can find the podcast hosted on, or on Apple PodcastsPocket Casts, and Spotify — or you can add the RSS feed directly to your podcast-management app of choice. Whatever service you use, consider taking a moment to rate or even review the podcast, which will help us build an audience.

You can also listen right here on the blog, with the widget below:

The music in this episode is Leroy Anderson’s “The Syncopated Clock,” performed on piano by Markus Staab and available under a Creative Commons license via Musopen.

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Pre-NewPI Summer To Do List

As my last postdoc summer begins (holy sh*t), I’ve been thinking a lot about how to prepare for the fall – what should I be doing in now to set myself up for success in my first year on the tenure-track? For those of us in this position, obviously we’re still wrapping up postdocs or PhDs or other jobs, but I’m not the only one trying to answer this question. There is an entire channel dedicated to #PreNewPI questions and planning on the FuturePI Slack.

I’ve read those posts, watched this helpful video from iBiology, talked to friends and co-workers, and I think I’ve got a super comprehensive list, sorted by effort required, for those of us in this position, which you can use as a starting place. As with all of my posts, your mileage will vary – some items on this list may not apply to you, or I may have missed something. But I hope you can take this list, cut the things that don’t apply to you, and have at least the start of a roadmap!

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The last Last Dance

A faculty job application trilogy! Have you also been reading Katie’s recent blog posts on the costs of applying for a faculty job? One is about the workload of applying, the second one about the financial cost, and the last and maybe most moving one is about the emotional cost. I was eagerly waiting every week for another episode. Almost as good as Netflix’s recent series “The Last Dance” about Michael Jordan leading his team to become the NBA champions. A parallel I immediately saw is Katie writing her posts after she successfully got the job and Netflix committing to a series after Michael won six championships.

But who remembers Bill Cartwright? There is no Netflix series about Bill. As there is also no blog post about all the postdocs who applied but did not get that faculty job yet.

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Tapping social networks to explore biological systems

Bharat Mishra is wrote this post as part of Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Science Communication course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is currently pursuing his PhD in the lab of Dr. Shahid Mukhtar. He earned an undergraduate degree at SRM University and a MS in Bioinformatics from the Indian Institute of Information Technology – Allahabad. Bharat research interests are bioinformatics, non-coding RNAs and network systems biology.

Have you ever wondered how you received suggestions from a friend-of-a-friend or your distant family member in Facebook?

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Posted in association genetics, bioinformatics, blogging, ecology, evolution, Science Communication | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Yeast 2-Hybrid: Discovering Protein-Protein Interactions from Yeast to West

Thomas Detchemendy wrote this post as part of Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Science Communication course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is a PhD student under the mentorship of Dr. Shahid Mukhtar. He is currently studying plant-microbial interactions in efforts to further elucidate bacterial-mediated redistribution of nutrients in Arabidopsis thaliana. Thomas earned his B.S. in Biology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

When they’re not being used to brew beer or bake bread, yeast can serve as a convenient model for discovering new information in molecular biology, such as protein-protein interactions among various biological systems. 

In the central dogma of molecular genetics, DNA is transcribed into RNA, which is then translated into a protein. After a protein is translated it may also interact with another protein to form a functional complex or dimer. 

This protein-protein interaction (PPI) could take place between two friendly proteins from the same cell, or between a pathogenic protein targeting another protein within its host. 

So, proteins interact, but how can we determine specifically, which proteins can bind together?

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