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Category Archives: bioinformatics
Star Trek Discovery made a debunked genome sequence into a plot point — but that’s not nearly the worst biology goof in the franchise
Anyone who’s been anywhere near my Twitter feed in the last month knows I’m pretty darned happy with Star Trek: Discovery, the latest iteration of the five-decade-old science fiction franchise. Discovery manages to build something new with the key elements … Continue reading
Posted in bioinformatics, genomics, horizontal gene transfer
Tagged Star Trek, tardigrade
The largest mammalian genome is not polyploid
Some 40 million years ago in South America, following the arrival of the common ancestor of caviomorph rodents from the Old World, big changes were afoot. Specifically, the caviomorph colonists were beginning to give rise to an extant evolutionary progeny … Continue reading
Posted in adaptation, bioinformatics, genomics, RNAseq, transcriptomics
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Shared patterns of genomic diversity across populations of distantly related taxa
Genomic diversity is shaped by the complex interplay between the effects of genetic drift and natural selection among populations. Several of these effects, especially those of linked selection at neutral sites, adaptive introgression, and barriers to migration (often called “genomic … Continue reading
Mapping genomes and navigating behavior for wildlife conservation
Virginia Aida wrote this post as a final project for Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Science Communication course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She is currently evaluating a potential pharmacotherapy in traumatic brain injury and anticipates graduating with her MS in summer 2017. Although she … Continue reading
Posted in adaptation, association genetics, bioinformatics, blogging, conservation, domestication, evolution, natural history
Tagged behavior, conservation, QTLs, Reintroduction, scicomm, transcriptome, zoos
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Polyploidy in the era of GBS
Ploidy, dear reader, is something that I think about literally all the time. It impacts every facet of my research from the field to the bench to the stats used to analyze data sets. It’s been simultaneously the greatest and the … Continue reading
Posted in bioinformatics, evolution, genomics, haploid-diploid, Molecular Ecology, the journal, natural history, plants, speciation
Tagged GBS, Heterozygosity, microsatellites, polyploidy, SNPs
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Molting on the molecular level: how blue crabs become soft-shell crabs
Megan Roegner wrote this post as a final project for Stacy Krueger-Hadfield’s Science Communication course at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Megan spent her early years in Cape Town, South Africa playing in the tidal pools along the coast and developing … Continue reading
Posted in bioinformatics, blogging, conservation, domestication, evolution, genomics, natural history
Tagged Aquaculture, Blue Crab, Endocrinology, Physiology, scicomm, Science Communication
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