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Author Archives: Travis Glenn
The 2016 Next-Generation Sequencing Field Guide Preview: Zombie Systems and New Hope
After a year of minimal activity, we finally have some significant changes in Next Gen Land. In the 2016 update of the NGS Field Guide, I will continue to give my overall interpretation about the various instruments, but with less … Continue reading
Posted in genomics, howto, methods, RNAseq, transcriptomics
Tagged Illumina, Ion Torrent, NGS Field Guide, PacBio
The ecological fallout: how radioactivity affects wildlife
The current news about radioactivity being released from a nuclear power plant in Japan is sad and worrisome. We are first concerned about the health and safety of individuals who have volunteered to stay at the power plant; they are … Continue reading
Posted in population genetics
Tagged Chernobyl, ecology, Japan, microsatellite, radiation, STR