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Author Archives: Mark Christie
To review or not to review, that is the question
Imagine this scenario. You are industriously working away on your most recent paper (ignoring other pressing data analyses, administrative duties, and grant proposals). You have just begun to get into the zone of intense focus, writing nirvana, when DING!!! a … Continue reading
Posted in career, peer review, science publishing
Calculating genetic differentiation with R
As molecular ecologists, it is often necessary and useful to calculate some measure of genetic differentiation. This is often accomplished with metrics such as Wright’s Fst an or an unbiased analog (e.g., Weir & Cockerham’s Fst; G’st etc.). In addition … Continue reading
Posted in population genetics, R, software
Using GitHub with R and RStudio
A few weeks back, The Molecular Ecologist released an article about GitHub and also created an organization where you can fork or simply download code shared by the Molecular Ecology community. A few of you out there may still be … Continue reading
Posted in bioinformatics, howto, R, software
Homo sapiens: the unsung model species of molecular ecology
This week I’ve invited a good friend and fellow Homo sapiens, Jacob Tennessen, to contribute a guest post to the Molecular Ecologist. Jacob is a Postdoctoral Scholar at Oregon State University, where he currently works with Mike Blouin and Aaron … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
How to Backup and Store your Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data
Congratulations! You have recently received a file path to retrieve your hard-earned next-generation sequencing data. You quickly transfer the files to the computing cluster you work on or perhaps, if you only have a few lanes of data, to your … Continue reading
Posted in bioinformatics, data archiving, genomics, howto
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Increasing productivity in an increasingly productive world
One of the things I have been thinking about lately is how to further increase my own productivity. Regardless of your career goals, increasing your productivity is only going to help you accomplish more (by definition) and increase your esteem … Continue reading
Posted in blogging, career, Uncategorized
Q&A: Julian Catchen helps us dig into STACKS – Part II
As promised, below is part II of our interview with Julian Catchen. These questions focus more on the specifics of using stacks (i.e., user-related questions). Please see the first post if you are interested a general overview. Even more information, … Continue reading
Q&A: Julian Catchen helps us dig into STACKS
Julian Catchen is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Oregon, where he uses computational solutions to facilitate the analysis of next-generation sequencing data. Prior to obtaining his PhD, Julian worked for both Intel and IBM, experiences that no doubt … Continue reading
Fear and loathing in academia – Getting the right kind of mentorship
This week I’ve invited a friend and colleague, Hayley Lanier, to contribute a guest post to the Molecular Ecologist. Hayley is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan, where she works with Lacey Knowles. She has contributed an excellent … Continue reading
Posted in career, howto