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Author Archives: Elin Videvall
Visualize your genome assemblies
Bandage (a Bioinformatics Application for Navigating De novo Assembly Graphs Easily), is a program that creates visualisations of sequence assemblies that you can interact with. When assembling a genome with your favorite assembler, you are usually building graphs, from which … Continue reading
Missing symbionts: do some animals lack resident gut microbiomes?
It seems like the field of “gut microbiomics” is having major breakthroughs almost every month these days. It’s very exciting to follow what is being discovered and gut microbes have now been linked with an array of important host traits, … Continue reading
Posted in microbiology
Tagged bacteria, butterflies, caterpillars, microbiome, microbiota
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N50 for transcriptome assemblies
This is the sixth in a series of posts where we explain the N50 (Nx) metric, discuss the problems surrounding it, give solutions to those problems, and suggest an alternative N50 metric for transcriptome assemblies. Transcriptome assemblies are inherently different … Continue reading
Posted in genomics
Tagged assembly, BUSCO, ExN50, rnaQUAST, transcriptome, transrate, Trinity
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A solution to the N50 misassembly problem
This is the fifth in a series of posts where we explain the N50 (Nx) metric, discuss the problems surrounding it, give solutions to those problems, and suggest an alternative N50 metric for transcriptome assemblies. The misassembly problem of N50 that … Continue reading
A solution to the N50 filtering problem
This is the fourth in a series of posts where we explain the N50 (Nx) metric, discuss the problems surrounding it (1, 2), give solutions to those problems, and suggest an alternative N50 metric for transcriptome assemblies. In the two … Continue reading
The N50 misassembly problem
This is the third in a series of posts where we explain the N50 (Nx) metric, discuss the problems surrounding it, give solutions to those problems, and suggest an alternative N50 metric for transcriptome assemblies. In our previous post, we … Continue reading
The N50 filtering problem
This is the second in a series of posts where we explain the N50 (Nx) metric, discuss the problems surrounding it, give solutions to those problems, and suggest an alternative N50 metric for transcriptome assemblies. The problem with N50 (or … Continue reading
What’s N50?
This is the first in a series of posts where we explain the N50 (Nx) metric, discuss the problems surrounding it, give solutions to those problems, and suggest an alternative N50 metric for transcriptome assemblies. Most genome assembly papers include … Continue reading
Phylogenetic trees in R using ggtree
Recently, one R package which I like to use for visualizing phylogenetic trees got published. It’s called ggtree, and as you might guess from the name it is based on the popular ggplot2 package. With ggtree, plotting trees in R has … Continue reading
Posted in bioinformatics, howto, phylogenetics, R
Tagged ggtree, phylogenetics, phylogenomics, R