Terry Burke, recipient of the 2009 Molecular Ecology Prize, and the Molecular Ecology Prize Selection Committee are now requesting nominations for the 2017 Prize, which recognizes contributions to the field of molecular ecology. The official announcement follows:
Nominations for the Molecular Ecology Prize
I am soliciting nominations for the annual Molecular Ecology Prize.
The field of molecular ecology is young and inherently interdisciplinary. As a consequence, research in molecular ecology is not currently represented by a single scientific society, so there is no body that actively promotes the discipline or celebrates its pioneers. The editorial board of the journal Molecular Ecology therefore created the Molecular Ecology Prize in order to fill this void and recognise significant contributions to this area of research. The prize selection committee is independent of the journal and its editorial board.
The prize will go to an outstanding scientist who has made significant contributions to Molecular Ecology. These contributions would mostly be scientific, but the door is open for other kinds of contributions that were crucial to the development of the field. The previous winners are: Godfrey Hewitt, John Avise, Pierre Taberlet, Harry Smith, Terry Burke, Josephine Pemberton, Deborah Charlesworth, Craig Moritz, Laurent Excoffier, Johanna Schmitt, Fred Allendorf and Louis Bernatchez.
Please send your nomination with a short supporting statement (no more than 250 words – longer submissions will not be accepted) directly to me by Friday 28 April 2017.
With thanks on behalf of the Molecular Ecology Prize Selection Committee
Terry Burke
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