New faces: Kelle Freel

(Kelle Freel)

(Kelle Freel)

This week we’re pleased to welcome a big group of new contributors to the blog. By way of introduction, I asked each of them to answer a few quick questions about him- or herself. —Jeremy
Who are you?
Kelle C. Freel
Where are you?
I am currently living in Santa Cruz, California where I was born and raised. I attended the University of California, San Diego, and then stuck around for grad school at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. After graduating, I decided to opt for an international postdoc and studied yeast population genomics in Strasbourg, France.
What do you study?
I study the phylogeny and biogeography of microbes and how distinct species fit into their ecological niche. I am interested in studying bacterial communities, and how members interact with each other as well as their environment.
What do you do when you’re not studying it?
When I’m not studying, I run, cycle, and (when I’m close to an ocean) go surfing. I also love to cook, travel, and generally have adventures.

About Jeremy Yoder

Jeremy B. Yoder is an Associate Professor of Biology at California State University Northridge, studying the evolution and coevolution of interacting species, especially mutualists. He is a collaborator with the Joshua Tree Genome Project and the Queer in STEM study of LGBTQ experiences in scientific careers. He has written for the website of Scientific American, the LA Review of Books, the Chronicle of Higher Education, The Awl, and Slate.
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