An earlier post from Mark Christie showed up on my feed on calculating allele frequencies from genotypic data in R, and I wanted to put together a quick tutorial on making PCA (Principal Components Analysis) plots using genotypes. I used the genotype data published by Tishkoff et al. (2009) for this example, but it should work for any generic genotype format, as long as it’s stored as a table/matrix. As an example, let’s try plotting the first three principal components for the Yoruba, Hadza, Han, and Tamil populations.

PCA (first 3 PC’s shown) of genotypes from 4 populations (Hadza, Yoruba, Han, and Tamil) using genotypic data from Tishkoff et al. (2009)
install.packages(“scatterplot3d”) install.packages(“rgl”) library(scatterplot3d) library(rgl) tishkoff<-read.csv(“marshfield_world.csv”,header=TRUE) tishkoff.pca<-prcomp(tishkoff[,4:1000], center=TRUE,scale.=TRUE) pcs123<-tishkoff.pca$x[,1:3] yoruba<-grep(“Yoruba”,tishkoff$ han<-grep(“Han”,tishkoff$ hadza<-grep(“Hadza”,tishkoff$ tamil<-grep(“Tamil”,tishkoff$ p<-scatterplot3d(pcs123[yoruba,1],pcs123[yoruba,2] ,pcs123[yoruba,3],color=c(“red”), pch=20,xlab=“PC1”,ylab=“PC2”,zlab="PC3", xlim=c(min(pcs123[,1]),max(pcs123[,1])), ylim=c(min(pcs123[,2]),max(pcs123[,2])), zlim=c(min(pcs123[,3]),max(pcs123[,3]))) p$points3d(pcs123[han,1],pcs123[han,2], pcs123[han,3],col=c(“blue”),pch=20) p$points3d(pcs123[hadza,1],pcs123[hadza,2], pcs123[hadza,3],col=c(“maroon”),pch=20) p$points3d(pcs123[tamil,1],pcs123[tamil,2], pcs123[tamil,3],col=c(“green”),pch=20) legend(p$xyz.convert(-80, 20, -10), col= c(“red”,“blue”, “maroon”, “green”), bg=“white”, pch=c(20,20,20,20), yjust=0, legend = c(“Yoruba”, “Han”, “Hadza”, “Tamil”), cex = 1.1)
And voila! I bet there are plenty of more complex packages (in R and other tools) that would help make similar plots – for instance, see adegenet, and SNPRelate, but do try my script out and leave your suggestions/comments below!