For those of you who find yourselves in Kelowna, British Columbia this week, you are hopefully enjoying yourself at the annual Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) meeting!
We’ve had one day of great talks so far, and more to come. The theme of the meeting this year is “Range margins in a rapidly changing world”, making for some very interesting and enjoyable symposia. Having difficulty hiding my personal biases, the population genetics session, with a noticeable theme being the ability to detect markers under selection, and the plant evolutionary ecology session were my favorites so far. I have also been hearing wide praise of the natural history symposium and other talks and posters scattered here and there.
Climate change has been a prominent theme across symposia, and will seemingly continue to be so for the remainder of the conference. This afternoon also contained a “symposium for women entering ecology and evolution today” (SWEEET) which I was unable to attend but am curious to hear from others on how it went. Additionally, I am looking forward to a symposium on “Ecological and evolutionary perspectives on infectious disease in theory and practice” as well as a plenary address by Fred Allendorf, sharing the same title as the conference theme.
Are you attending CSEE? Thoughts from today or on the upcoming days? I am happy to chat and talk science if you see me around and would like to say hello!
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